Rocky shore of Isla de la Plata in Ecuador

Isla de La Plata - Ecuadorian Silver Treasure 

Welcome to Isla de la Plata - a tiny Ecuadorian island. Named the “Island of Silver” long ago by fishermen hoping its shores shimmered with precious metals… But they found a very different sort of treasure! Join us as we unravel the amusing mystery of the island's name and explore the abundance of incredible animals that inhabit this unique destination.

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Collection of Panama hats on the display in hat shop in Cuenca, Ecuador

From Palm Leaves to Cultural Icons - Ecuador's Famous Panama Hats

Discover the history behind the iconic Panama hat and why its true origin lies in Ecuador, not Panama. Join us on a journey through ancient traditions, as we unveil the craftsmanship and cultural significance of these renowned hats.

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Top 5 Weirdest Canadian Foods

Have you heard about these strange Canadian dishes? Check out the top 5 weirdest Canadian foods that will have you wondering - WTF, Canada?

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