Authors of Journey Journalists

Author Caroline Kepler dramatically falling off her motorcycle.

Caroline Kepler

Wildlife veterinarian and passionate writer. Being a serious case of wanderlust and fear of missing out, she believes life is too short to be spent in one place. Her adventurous spirit has led her to explore over 30 countries across 6 continents. Throughout her veterinary career, she has found herself working with animals amidst the volcanoes of Java, navigating the Bolivian jungle, and on the serene beaches of Mexico. Motorcycle enthusiast and adrenaline junkie, who never misses a chance for a new experience! Loves every creature and wants to adopt them all (as long as they are not guinea pigs and fit on a motorcycle).

Author Aaron Vann being startled by a bee in Indonesia.

Aaron Vann

IT magician and SEO explorer. Never expected to board on a life-time adventure involving intercontinental travel, but here we are. A wannabe pro-gamer, ready to connect to the World of Warcraft from a hut in Amazonian jungle or a secluded island in the middle of the ocean. Uses his dark powers to keep this website alive. Passionate about food and wants to start his own series of articles “Aaron eats everything (except guinea pigs)”. Because Aaron loves guinea pigs.